tidyverts & prophet

Lecture 13

Dr. Colin Rundel

Tidy time series

ts objects

In base R, time series are usually encoded using the ts S3 class,

        Jan    Feb    Mar    Apr    May    Jun
1959 315.42 316.31 316.50 317.56 318.13 318.00
1960 316.27 316.81 317.42 318.87 319.87 319.43
1961 316.73 317.54 318.38 319.31 320.42 319.61
1962 317.78 318.40 319.53 320.42 320.85 320.45
1963 318.58 318.92 319.70 321.22 322.08 321.31
1964 319.41 320.07 320.74 321.40 322.06 321.73
1965 319.27 320.28 320.73 321.97 322.00 321.71
1966 320.46 321.43 322.23 323.54 323.91 323.59
1967 322.17 322.34 322.88 324.25 324.83 323.93
1968 322.40 322.99 323.73 324.86 325.40 325.20
1969 323.83 324.26 325.47 326.50 327.21 326.54
1970 324.89 325.82 326.77 327.97 327.91 327.50
1971 326.01 326.51 327.01 327.62 328.76 328.40
1972 326.60 327.47 327.58 329.56 329.90 328.92
1973 328.37 329.40 330.14 331.33 332.31 331.90
1974 329.18 330.55 331.32 332.48 332.92 332.08
1975 330.23 331.25 331.87 333.14 333.80 333.43
1976 331.58 332.39 333.33 334.41 334.71 334.17
1977 332.75 333.24 334.53 335.90 336.57 336.10
1978 334.80 335.22 336.47 337.59 337.84 337.72
1979 336.05 336.59 337.79 338.71 339.30 339.12
1980 337.84 338.19 339.91 340.60 341.29 341.00
1981 339.06 340.30 341.21 342.33 342.74 342.08
1982 340.57 341.44 342.53 343.39 343.96 343.18
1983 341.20 342.35 342.93 344.77 345.58 345.14
1984 343.52 344.33 345.11 346.88 347.25 346.62
1985 344.79 345.82 347.25 348.17 348.74 348.07
1986 346.11 346.78 347.68 349.37 350.03 349.37
1987 347.84 348.29 349.23 350.80 351.66 351.07
1988 350.25 351.54 352.05 353.41 354.04 353.62
1989 352.60 352.92 353.53 355.26 355.52 354.97
1990 353.50 354.55 355.23 356.04 357.00 356.07
1991 354.59 355.63 357.03 358.48 359.22 358.12
1992 355.88 356.63 357.72 359.07 359.58 359.17
1993 356.63 357.10 358.32 359.41 360.23 359.55
1994 358.34 358.89 359.95 361.25 361.67 360.94
1995 359.98 361.03 361.66 363.48 363.82 363.30
1996 362.09 363.29 364.06 364.76 365.45 365.01
1997 363.23 364.06 364.61 366.40 366.84 365.68
        Jul    Aug    Sep    Oct    Nov    Dec
1959 316.39 314.65 313.68 313.18 314.66 315.43
1960 318.01 315.74 314.00 313.68 314.84 316.03
1961 318.42 316.63 314.83 315.16 315.94 316.85
1962 319.45 317.25 316.11 315.27 316.53 317.53
1963 319.58 317.61 316.05 315.83 316.91 318.20
1964 320.27 318.54 316.54 316.71 317.53 318.55
1965 321.05 318.71 317.66 317.14 318.70 319.25
1966 322.24 320.20 318.48 317.94 319.63 320.87
1967 322.38 320.76 319.10 319.24 320.56 321.80
1968 323.98 321.95 320.18 320.09 321.16 322.74
1969 325.72 323.50 322.22 321.62 322.69 323.95
1970 326.18 324.53 322.93 322.90 323.85 324.96
1971 327.20 325.27 323.20 323.40 324.63 325.85
1972 327.88 326.16 324.68 325.04 326.34 327.39
1973 330.70 329.15 327.35 327.02 327.99 328.48
1974 331.01 329.23 327.27 327.21 328.29 329.41
1975 331.73 329.90 328.40 328.17 329.32 330.59
1976 332.89 330.77 329.14 328.78 330.14 331.52
1977 334.76 332.59 331.42 330.98 332.24 333.68
1978 336.37 334.51 332.60 332.38 333.75 334.78
1979 337.56 335.92 333.75 333.70 335.12 336.56
1980 339.39 337.43 335.72 335.84 336.93 338.04
1981 340.32 338.26 336.52 336.68 338.19 339.44
1982 341.88 339.65 337.81 337.69 339.09 340.32
1983 343.81 342.21 339.69 339.82 340.98 342.82
1984 345.22 343.11 340.90 341.18 342.80 344.04
1985 346.38 344.51 342.92 342.62 344.06 345.38
1986 347.76 345.73 344.68 343.99 345.48 346.72
1987 349.33 347.92 346.27 346.18 347.64 348.78
1988 352.22 350.27 348.55 348.72 349.91 351.18
1989 353.75 351.52 349.64 349.83 351.14 352.37
1990 354.67 352.76 350.82 351.04 352.69 354.07
1991 356.06 353.92 352.05 352.11 353.64 354.89
1992 356.94 354.92 352.94 353.23 354.09 355.33
1993 357.53 355.48 353.67 353.95 355.30 356.78
1994 359.55 357.49 355.84 356.00 357.59 359.05
1995 361.94 359.50 358.11 357.80 359.61 360.74
1996 363.70 361.54 359.51 359.65 360.80 362.38
1997 364.52 362.57 360.24 360.83 362.49 364.34
[1] "double"
[1] "ts"
[1] 1959.000 1997.917   12.000

[1] "ts"


This is an effort headed by Rob Hyndman (of forecast fame) and others to provide a consistent tidy data based framework for working with time series data and models.

Core packages:

  • tsibble - temporal data frames and related tools

  • fable - tidy forecasting (modelling)

  • feasts - feature extraction and statistics

  • tsibbledata - sample tsibble data sets


A tsibble is a tibble with additional infrastructure for encoding temporal data - specifcially a tsibble is a tidy data frame with an index and key where

  • the index is the variable that descibes the inherent ordering of the data (from past to present)

  • and the key is one or more variables that define the unit of observation over time

  • each observation should be uniquely identified by the index and key


# A tsibble: 15,150 x 9 [1Y]
# Key:       Country [263]
   Country Code   Year    GDP Growth   CPI Imports
   <fct>   <fct> <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 Afghan… AFG    1960 5.38e8     NA    NA    7.02
 2 Afghan… AFG    1961 5.49e8     NA    NA    8.10
 3 Afghan… AFG    1962 5.47e8     NA    NA    9.35
 4 Afghan… AFG    1963 7.51e8     NA    NA   16.9 
 5 Afghan… AFG    1964 8.00e8     NA    NA   18.1 
 6 Afghan… AFG    1965 1.01e9     NA    NA   21.4 
 7 Afghan… AFG    1966 1.40e9     NA    NA   18.6 
 8 Afghan… AFG    1967 1.67e9     NA    NA   14.2 
 9 Afghan… AFG    1968 1.37e9     NA    NA   15.2 
10 Afghan… AFG    1969 1.41e9     NA    NA   15.0 
# … with 15,140 more rows, and 2 more variables:
#   Exports <dbl>, Population <dbl>


# A tsibble: 52,608 x 5 [30m]
#   <Australia/Melbourne>
   Time                Demand Tempera…¹ Date      
   <dttm>               <dbl>     <dbl> <date>    
 1 2012-01-01 00:00:00  4383.      21.4 2012-01-01
 2 2012-01-01 00:30:00  4263.      21.0 2012-01-01
 3 2012-01-01 01:00:00  4049.      20.7 2012-01-01
 4 2012-01-01 01:30:00  3878.      20.6 2012-01-01
 5 2012-01-01 02:00:00  4036.      20.4 2012-01-01
 6 2012-01-01 02:30:00  3866.      20.2 2012-01-01
 7 2012-01-01 03:00:00  3694.      20.1 2012-01-01
 8 2012-01-01 03:30:00  3562.      19.6 2012-01-01
 9 2012-01-01 04:00:00  3433.      19.1 2012-01-01
10 2012-01-01 04:30:00  3359.      19.0 2012-01-01
# … with 52,598 more rows, 1 more variable:
#   Holiday <lgl>, and abbreviated variable name
#   ¹​Temperature


# A tsibble: 64,532 x 5 [1M]
# Key:       State, Industry [152]
   State          Indus…¹ Serie…²    Month Turno…³
   <chr>          <chr>   <chr>      <mth>   <dbl>
 1 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Apr     4.4
 2 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 May     3.4
 3 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Jun     3.6
 4 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Jul     4  
 5 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Aug     3.6
 6 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Sep     4.2
 7 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Oct     4.8
 8 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Nov     5.4
 9 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1982 Dec     6.9
10 Australian Ca… Cafes,… A33498… 1983 Jan     3.8
# … with 64,522 more rows, and abbreviated
#   variable names ¹​Industry, ²​`Series ID`,
#   ³​Turnover


Existing ts objects can be converted to a tsibble easily,

# A tsibble: 468 x 2 [1M]
      index value
      <mth> <dbl>
 1 1959 Jan  315.
 2 1959 Feb  316.
 3 1959 Mar  316.
 4 1959 Apr  318.
 5 1959 May  318.
 6 1959 Jun  318 
 7 1959 Jul  316.
 8 1959 Aug  315.
 9 1959 Sep  314.
10 1959 Oct  313.
# … with 458 more rows

plotting tsibbles

As the tsibble is basically just a tibble which is basically just a data frame both base and ggplot plotting methods will work.

tsibble::as_tsibble(co2) %>%

tsibble::as_tsibble(co2) %>%
    aes(x=lubridate::as_date(index), y=value)
  ) +
    geom_point() +


library(fabletools) # needed to support autoplot
tsibble::as_tsibble(co2) %>%
  autoplot(.vars = vars(value))

Multiple variables

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
  tsibble::index_by(data = ~ lubridate::as_date(.)) %>%
    demand_avg = mean(Demand, na.rm=TRUE),
    temp_avg = mean(Temperature, na.rm=TRUE)
  ) %>%
  autoplot(.vars = vars(temp_avg, demand_avg))

ggtsdisplay() replacement

The equivalent to the ggtsdisplay() plot is provided by feasts with gg_tsdisplay(),

tsibble::as_tsibble(co2) %>%
  feasts::gg_tsdisplay(y = value)

ggtsdisplay() - pACF

tsibble::as_tsibble(co2) %>%
  feasts::gg_tsdisplay(y = value, plot_type = "partial")

Modeling with fable


( elec_sales = as_tsibble(
) )
# A tsibble: 191 x 2 [1M]
      index value
      <mth> <dbl>
 1 1996 Jan  85.0
 2 1996 Feb  81.9
 3 1996 Mar  78.4
 4 1996 Apr  79.0
 5 1996 May  79.7
 6 1996 Jun  76.1
 7 1996 Jul  81.4
 8 1996 Aug  79.3
 9 1996 Sep  78.1
10 1996 Oct  80.3
# … with 181 more rows
elec_sales %>%


elec_sales %>%
  feasts::gg_tsdisplay(difference(value), plot_type="partial")


To fit a model with fable we use the model() function along with a specific function for the model we are trying to fit (ARIMA() here).

As with the rest of tidyverts - fable using a tidy approach for modeling which means that the model results are stored in a tibble (called a mable).

( m = elec_sales %>%
      ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3,1,0))
# A mable: 1 x 1
  `ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0))`
1                <ARIMA(3,1,0)>

Model summary

m %>% 
Series: value 
Model: ARIMA(3,1,0) 

          ar1      ar2     ar3
      -0.3488  -0.0386  0.3139
s.e.   0.0690   0.0736  0.0694

sigma^2 estimated as 9.853:  log likelihood=-485.67
AIC=979.33   AICc=979.55   BIC=992.32

Model details (broom + yardstick)

m %>% glance()
# A tibble: 1 × 8
  .model                      sigma2 log_lik   AIC  AICc   BIC ar_roots  ma_roots 
  <chr>                        <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>    <list>   
1 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0))   9.85   -486.  979.  980.  992. <cpl [3]> <cpl [0]>

. . .

m %>% accuracy()
# A tibble: 1 × 10
  .model                      .type        ME  RMSE   MAE     MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE    ACF1
  <chr>                       <chr>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) Training 0.0117  3.11  2.43 -0.0435  2.56 0.296 0.281 -0.0346

. . .

m %>% augment()
# A tsibble: 191 x 6 [1M]
# Key:       .model [1]
   .model                         index value .fitted  .resid  .innov
   <chr>                          <mth> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Jan  85.0    84.9  0.0850  0.0850
 2 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Feb  81.9    84.6 -2.68   -2.68  
 3 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Mar  78.4    82.7 -4.28   -4.28  
 4 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Apr  79.0    80.3 -1.25   -1.25  
 5 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 May  79.7    78.0  1.76    1.76  
 6 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Jun  76.1    78.4 -2.24   -2.24  
 7 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Jul  81.4    77.5  3.87    3.87  
 8 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Aug  79.3    79.9 -0.599  -0.599 
 9 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Sep  78.1    78.7 -0.588  -0.588 
10 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 1996 Oct  80.3    80.3 -0.0448 -0.0448
# … with 181 more rows

Observed vs predicted

m %>% 
  augment() %>%
  autoplot(vars(value, .fitted))


m %>% 
  augment() %>%
  feasts::gg_tsdisplay(.resid, plot_type="partial")


m %>%
# A fable: 24 x 4 [1M]
# Key:     .model [1]
   .model                         index      value .mean
   <chr>                          <mth>     <dist> <dbl>
 1 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2011 Dec N(86, 9.9)  86.2
 2 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Jan  N(88, 14)  87.6
 3 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Feb  N(87, 19)  87.0
 4 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Mar  N(87, 30)  86.5
 5 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Apr  N(87, 36)  87.2
 6 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 May  N(87, 44)  86.8
 7 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Jun  N(87, 54)  86.7
 8 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Jul  N(87, 62)  87.0
 9 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Aug  N(87, 70)  86.8
10 ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3, 1, 0)) 2012 Sep  N(87, 79)  86.8
# … with 14 more rows

Forecasting - autoplot

m %>%
  forecast() %>%

Comparing models

The fable model() function also has the ability to fit multiple models at the same time which then makes comparison more straight forward.

( mm = elec_sales %>%
      arima310 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3,1,0)),
      arima013 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(0,1,3)),
      autoarima = ARIMA(value),
      autoarima_bf = ARIMA(value, stepwise = FALSE)
# A mable: 1 x 4
        arima310       arima013      autoarima   autoarima_bf
         <model>        <model>        <model>        <model>
1 <ARIMA(3,1,0)> <ARIMA(0,1,3)> <ARIMA(3,1,1)> <ARIMA(1,1,5)>

broom + multiple models

mm %>% glance() %>% arrange(AICc)
# A tibble: 4 × 8
  .model       sigma2 log_lik   AIC  AICc   BIC ar_roots  ma_roots 
  <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <list>    <list>   
1 autoarima      9.74   -484.  978.  978.  994. <cpl [3]> <cpl [1]>
2 autoarima_bf   9.63   -482.  978.  979. 1001. <cpl [1]> <cpl [5]>
3 arima310       9.85   -486.  979.  980.  992. <cpl [3]> <cpl [0]>
4 arima013      10.2    -489.  986.  987.  999. <cpl [0]> <cpl [3]>
mm %>% accuracy() %>% arrange(RMSE)
# A tibble: 4 × 10
  .model       .type          ME  RMSE   MAE     MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE     ACF1
  <chr>        <chr>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1 autoarima_bf Training -0.00719  3.05  2.41 -0.0458  2.55 0.294 0.275  0.00916
2 autoarima    Training -0.00123  3.08  2.39 -0.0429  2.52 0.291 0.278  0.00893
3 arima310     Training  0.0117   3.11  2.43 -0.0435  2.56 0.296 0.281 -0.0346 
4 arima013     Training  0.0105   3.17  2.40 -0.0486  2.53 0.292 0.286 -0.0210 

Forecasting - autoplot

mm %>%
  forecast() %>%

Cross validation

Test train split

The general approach is to keep the data ordered and split the first prop% into the training data and the remainder as testing data.

elec_sales_split = rsample::initial_time_split(elec_sales, prop=0.9)
# A tsibble: 171 x 2 [1M]
      index value
      <mth> <dbl>
 1 1996 Jan  85.0
 2 1996 Feb  81.9
 3 1996 Mar  78.4
 4 1996 Apr  79.0
 5 1996 May  79.7
 6 1996 Jun  76.1
 7 1996 Jul  81.4
 8 1996 Aug  79.3
 9 1996 Sep  78.1
10 1996 Oct  80.3
# … with 161 more rows
# A tsibble: 20 x 2 [1M]
      index value
      <mth> <dbl>
 1 2010 Apr  90.8
 2 2010 May  89.7
 3 2010 Jun  95.4
 4 2010 Jul  91.0
 5 2010 Aug  94.5
 6 2010 Sep  88.3
 7 2010 Oct  91.1
 8 2010 Nov  97.2
 9 2010 Dec  89.8
10 2011 Jan  97.0
11 2011 Feb  93.7
12 2011 Mar  95.4
13 2011 Apr  94.9
14 2011 May  97.1
15 2011 Jun  94.5
16 2011 Jul  94.3
17 2011 Aug  93.3
18 2011 Sep  86.6
19 2011 Oct  88.7
20 2011 Nov  88.2

Model fit (training)

( mm = rsample::training(elec_sales_split) %>%
      arima310 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(3,1,0)),
      arima013 = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(0,1,3)),
      autoarima = ARIMA(value),
      autoarima_bf = ARIMA(value, stepwise = FALSE)
# A mable: 1 x 4
        arima310       arima013      autoarima   autoarima_bf
         <model>        <model>        <model>        <model>
1 <ARIMA(3,1,0)> <ARIMA(0,1,3)> <ARIMA(3,1,0)> <ARIMA(3,1,0)>


mm %>%
  forecast() %>%



mm %>%
  forecast() %>%
# A tibble: 4 × 10
  .model       .type    ME  RMSE   MAE   MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE  ACF1
  <chr>        <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 arima013     Test   7.73  8.39  7.73  8.24  8.24 0.935 0.742 0.148
2 arima310     Test   8.60  9.17  8.60  9.18  9.18 1.04  0.811 0.162
3 autoarima    Test   8.60  9.17  8.60  9.18  9.18 1.04  0.811 0.162
4 autoarima_bf Test   8.60  9.17  8.60  9.18  9.18 1.04  0.811 0.162


mm %>%
# A tibble: 4 × 10
  .model       .type           ME  RMSE   MAE     MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE    ACF1
  <chr>        <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
1 arima310     Training -0.00435   3.00  2.31 -0.0535  2.42 0.279 0.265 -0.0317
2 arima013     Training -0.000151  3.08  2.32 -0.0541  2.44 0.281 0.272 -0.0318
3 autoarima    Training -0.00435   3.00  2.31 -0.0535  2.42 0.279 0.265 -0.0317
4 autoarima_bf Training -0.00435   3.00  2.31 -0.0535  2.42 0.279 0.265 -0.0317

Rolling forecasting origin

One-step ahead predictive performance

Four-step ahead predictive performance


Prophet model

Prophet uses a modeling framework that looks a lot like traditional GAM approaches. Specifically the time series is modeled as

\[ y(t) = g(t) + s(t) + h(t) + \epsilon_t \]


  • \(g(t)\) is a piecewise linear trend component

  • \(s(t)\) is a seasonal component based on Fourier terms with specified period(s) and order

  • \(h(t)\) are holiday effects (specific dummy coded variables for important dates / times)

  • \(\epsilon_t\) white noise error


Prophet is implemented in its own R package and Python packages (prophet) which provide all of the basic functionality.

The model fitting is done using a Bayesain approach with the specific implementation using Stan.

Other frameworks like fable (or modeltime) provide higher level interfaces to this package.

prodn from astsa

Monthly Federal Reserve Board Production Index (1948-1978)

prodn = tsibble::as_tsibble(astsa::prodn)
autoplot(prodn, value)

Test train split

prodn_split = rsample::initial_time_split(prodn, prop=0.90)



( prodn_fit = rsample::training(prodn_split) %>%
     arima = ARIMA(value ~ pdq(1,1,0) + PDQ(0,1,3)),
     autoarima = ARIMA(value),
     prophet = prophet(value ~ season(period = 12, 
                                      type = "multiplicative"))
# A mable: 1 x 3
                      arima                          autoarima   prophet
                    <model>                            <model>   <model>
1 <ARIMA(1,1,0)(0,1,3)[12]> <ARIMA(2,0,1)(0,1,1)[12] w/ drift> <prophet>


prodn_fc = forecast(prodn_fit, h=38)
prodn_fc %>% 

Forecast - zoom

prodn_fc = forecast(prodn_fit, h=38)
prodn_fc %>% 
    prodn %>% filter(index >= make_yearmonth(1970L, 1L))



prodn_fit %>%
  forecast() %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 10
  .model    .type    ME  RMSE   MAE    MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE  ACF1
  <chr>     <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 arima     Test  7.93   8.29  7.93 5.95    5.95 1.56  1.34  0.755
2 autoarima Test  6.52   6.93  6.52 4.91    4.91 1.28  1.12  0.759
3 prophet   Test  0.145  3.22  2.65 0.0162  2.01 0.522 0.521 0.833


prodn_fit %>%
# A tibble: 3 × 10
  .model    .type           ME  RMSE   MAE     MPE  MAPE  MASE RMSSE     ACF1
  <chr>     <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
1 arima     Training -0.00242   1.14 0.821  0.0129  1.11 0.162 0.185 -0.0348 
2 autoarima Training  0.000504  1.17 0.831 -0.0402  1.11 0.164 0.189  0.00432
3 prophet   Training  0.000883  3.83 2.87  -0.234   3.70 0.565 0.620  0.950  


prodn_fit %>%
  select(prophet) %>%
  components() %>%

Complex seasonality

Half-hourly electricity demand - vic_elec

# A tsibble: 52,608 x 5 [30m] <Australia/Melbourne>
   Time                Demand Temperature Date       Holiday
   <dttm>               <dbl>       <dbl> <date>     <lgl>  
 1 2012-01-01 00:00:00  4383.        21.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 2 2012-01-01 00:30:00  4263.        21.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 3 2012-01-01 01:00:00  4049.        20.7 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 4 2012-01-01 01:30:00  3878.        20.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 5 2012-01-01 02:00:00  4036.        20.4 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 6 2012-01-01 02:30:00  3866.        20.2 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 7 2012-01-01 03:00:00  3694.        20.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 8 2012-01-01 03:30:00  3562.        19.6 2012-01-01 TRUE   
 9 2012-01-01 04:00:00  3433.        19.1 2012-01-01 TRUE   
10 2012-01-01 04:30:00  3359.        19.0 2012-01-01 TRUE   
# … with 52,598 more rows

Full data

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
  autoplot(vars(Demand, Temperature))

Data - December 2014

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
  filter(Time >= lubridate::ymd("2014/12/01")) %>%
  autoplot(vars(Demand, Temperature))

Seasonality - Yearly

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
    y=Demand, period = "year", alpha=0.5

Seasonality - Weekly

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
    y=Demand, period = "week"

Seasonality - Daily

tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
    y = Demand, period = "day"


( vic_elec_fit = tsibbledata::vic_elec %>%
      p = prophet(Demand ~ Temperature  + Holiday +
                  season(period = "day", order = 10) +
                  season(period = "week", order = 5) +
                  season(period = "year", order = 3))
# A mable: 1 x 1
1 <prophet>


vic_elec_fit %>%
  components() %>%


vic_elec_fit %>%